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Dr. Reckeweg R12 Arteriosclerosis Drops

Information about Dr. Reckeweg R12 Arteriosclerosis Drops

Dr. ReckewegR12 Arteriosclerosis Drops is a homeopathic medicine  It addresses the issues of general (thickening and hardening of the walls of the arteries), hypertonia (abnormal increase in muscle tension and a reduced ability of a muscle to stretch) and cerebral arteriosclerosis.

Size: 22 ml

Product Origin: Germany

Key Benefits:

  • It helps to cure from General arteriosclerosis and hypertonia. Cerebral arteriosclerosis, aortic and coronary sclerosis, nephrosclerosis, dysbasia, abdominal dysphagia. Senility, weak memory, congestion of blood, vertigo, forgetfulness, tendency towards apoplexy and its consequences, predisposition to goitre, thyrotoxicosis.


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  • Arnica
  • Aurum chloratum
  • Barium chlorat.
  • Conium
  • Iodates:
  • Glonoin.
  • Phosphor.
  • Plumbum aceticum

Directions for uses:

  • Generally 10-15 drops three times daily, in some water. In acute cases, in the beginning of the treatment, 4-6 times daily.
  • After improvement (taking 2-3 weeks) continue the treatment for a longer period of time once or twice a day.
  • During the treatment the use of salt should be forbidden and only be allowed in small quantities after improvement has set in.
  • In predisposition to goitre and thyrotoxicosis, a treatment of 10-15 drops once a day for about 4-6 weeks is recommended, and should be repeated at intervals of one month.
  • In apoplexy, frequent doses in the beginning, at the rate of 10-15 drops every 1-2 hours, then 4-6 times a day 10-15 drops.
  • Read the label carefully before use.
  • Store in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight.
  • Keep out of reach of children.

Additional information

Weight 0.1 kg



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